The Word of The Lord is very precious. It instructs, promises, builds us up, and encourages us. By studying Numbers in The Bible, it will help you understand God's plan for your life and how you will fit in His master plan in His precious Kingdom.

Numbers are significant for The Lord, and the fourth book in the Bible is about Numbers. Also, at the beginning of creation in the book of Genesis, God counts daily to give us precisely how He created and established everything in order by speaking things into existence.

The Word of God is the most precious prize we could ever ask for.

The Holy Spirit knows how to prepare us for the battles and the seasons ahead. He will empower and train us for the next season. We must be obedient to Him and follow every instruction given. The Lord is continually looking into our hearts. The Bible tells us that God sees the inside:

"But the Lord told Samuel, 'Do not look at his appearance or physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7


When Samuel was sent to anoint the next king of Israel, the prophet, the last judge of Israel, was scared that Saul might kill Him. The Lord specifically instructed him to go and offer a sacrifice. You may think that this was a distraction so that Saul would not see that a new king was being chosen. The Lord always has a perfect plan. The sacrifice points to Jesus. We are covered in His blood:

"Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, And whose sins are covered;" Romans 4:7

This is the reason we are so precious to God. We are covered in His Son's blood and anointed to fulfill our destiny in Him. What joy is ahead of us. We can do what The Lord called us to do without fear. Samuel closely follows the instructions of The Lord as Samuel arrived in Bethlehem. The town's elders came trembling before him. They had heard that Samuel had killed Agag and had rebuked King Saul for not taking revenge on the Amalekites like The Lord had instructed him to do. Since Samuel, by obeying God, conquered the fear that Saul would kill him, the enemy tried to bring fear over the elders of the town so that the plan of God would not be fulfilled. But Samuel quickly told the town's elders to go and Sanctify themselves unto The Lord. Sanctification was no mystery for them; they knew that any time there would be a sacrifice or meaningful ceremony, they would have to separate themselves before the Lord. The Bible tells us about sanctification:

"I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1

Being holy means to be set apart for The Lord, to have a life that is a living sacrifice for His purpose, not our own. Samuel feared God more than any man or anything. Fear God, not the enemy.


Samuel now consecrated Jesse and his sons and invites them to the sacrifice:

"And he said, "Peaceably; I have come to sacrifice to the Lord. Sanctify yourselves, and come with me to the sacrifice." Then he consecrated Jesse and his sons, and invited them to the sacrifice."

1 Samuel 16:5

Notice what the text says: first, a consecration and then an invitation to the sacrifice. Yeshua, Jesus first called the disciples to follow him to learn about Him, to be set apart, separate for the ministry of the preaching of the Gospel. There is a season that the Lord calls us to spend time with Him so we can grow, learn and prepare for what is coming ahead. It's a season of action, not rest. He will call you to put your hand on the plow and not look back. The Lord desires His servant to continue advancing the Kingdom according to His purpose.

Jesse called all of his sons before Samuel, The Prophet, and The Lord refused all of them. But look what goes on as every single one of them passed before the Prophet:

The First one was Eliab; Samuel said: For sure the Lord's anointed is before Him!

Samuel could not see yet who would be the chosen one. The name Eliab means: My God is Father, God is Father. This is God revealing that this next king who will be a son (JESUS) will be according to His lineage according to His perfect plan.

The Second one was Abinadab, whose name means: My father is noble" or "My father is willing." God indicates that this New King will be called a son who, out of this new lineage, will be a SON OF DAVID.

The Third one was Shammah, which means Astonishment, Amazement, or Great Surprise. For sure it will be the best surprise we could ever get. The Lord is establishing a kingship after this next king

Now we know that all eight sons of Jesse have passed before The prophet Samuel, but four of them are not mentioned by name in Scripture. Why? I believe that the purpose of the other FOUR not being mentioned by their names is to let us know that this new King will not only be King of Israel but also The Four Corners of The World.

"For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace, There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."

Isaiah 9:6-7


The Anointing To Serve

Answering the calling to serve: David was called to serve in the palace under the kingship of a rejected king by God. Think about that for a minute. But by answering the calling of God in his life, he matured to become a king. A servant is much more than someone who gets the task done; a servant is a warrior in disguise. A servant will answer God's calling in their life when the moment arises.

David was tending to the sheep when Samuel first anointed him. He was faithful with little. But don't think that taking care of sheep is a small task. He had to deal with a lion and a bear. When we serve, we grow to be the man or woman that The Lord wants us to be. Only by serving God and others can we grow in God's Kingdom.

David was very gifted at a young age. Probably by being the youngest, he had spent much time with Jesse, his father. David was given a job to bring food for King Saul.

"And Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread, a skin of wine, and a young goat, and sent them by his son David to Saul."

1 Samuel 16:20

Food is essential for the human body, especially in battle. For a second time, David delivered food to the troops in battle against the Philistines.

"And the Philistine drew near and presented himself forty days, morning and evening. Then Jesse said to his son David, 'Take now for your brothers an ephah of this dried grain and these ten loaves, and run to your brothers at the camp. And carry these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and see how your brothers fare, and bring back news of them.'"

1 Samuel 17:16-18

The Giant Goliath challenged the Army of Israel for 40 days, and they were dreadfully afraid of him. When David arrived at the camp, he heard them.

David, didn't take the insults personally. But he understood there was a reward for anyone who stepped into the battleground for God.

A servant will serve even if there is no reward. David was more concerned about the well-being of the Army of Israel and his family instead of the reward. He was more zealous about the Name of The Lord than his own. David feared the Lord and would not take any insults against the name of his God.

We fight on the behalf of others. A servant will always care to represent God and honor His name. By Loving and serving others, we praise God and honor His Church that was redeemed with by the price of blood. That was shed on the cross for us. Yeshua, Jesus came to serve. By being a servant in the kingdom of God, I make myself available for any task, great or small. We might be doing something that looks small. But God can suddenly open your eyes to the greater calling ahead of us. Be faithful, and get ready for what God will do through your life if you just learn how to serve, not expecting a reward. A loyal servant of God is like a soldier who obeys his superior officer, and in due time, The Lord will promote you.

The Anointing to Persevere

Answering The Call To Persevere In Times Of War

The Lord had prepared David for this very moment; many wars and battles would arrive to try and take his life so he would not sit on the throne. The Bible tells us that the Enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. He doesn't want us to get to where God has prepared for us. But David's persistence and obedience of honoring God kept him on the path to the throne. David did whatever it took to honor God in everything he did. Obeying The Lord with our actions will bring doors of opportunity to us. Honoring others in the kingdom will help you grow in many areas. We have gifts. We must use those gifts in the Kingdom of God to help, rescue others, and protect the youngest ones in The Lord.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.”

Proverbs 31:8-9

Persevering in helping others will be beneficial to us. By honoring others, we will praise God, and with honor comes honor.

“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;”

Romans 12:10

David fought many battles, but with every quarrel comes a reward.

He was concerned with honoring God and King Saul, even knowing that God had rejected Saul and The Spirit of The Lord left him. David chose to give honor to someone whom The Lord has anointed. By serving King Saul, David was been faithful to God. The Lord knows that if we can be truthful to others even when we've been persecuted, He will be able to use us in difficult times.

The Lord is looking for true worshipers and for someone He can use to do His will. The most remarkable ability is availability. Be willing to do anything and everything in obedience to The Lord. He will open doors that no man can shut. PERSEVERE.

The Anointing of A True Worshiper

Answering The Call To Be A True Worshiper

God is not looking for people who have a Ph.D. or sing, play, dance, etc. He is looking for people that will worship Him in any circumstance. The Bible tells us that He is looking for the True Worshipers.

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

John 4:23-24

We all worship something whether it may be possessions, status, rewards, fame, or anything else that we can put before God. David was a worshiper before he was invited to play in the palace by King Saul. The Bible tells us:

“Let our master now command your servants, who are before you, to seek out a man who is a skillful player on the harp. And it shall be that he will play it with his hand when the distressing spirit from God is upon you, and you shall be well.”

I Samuel 16:16

The Servant of Saul noticed that a spirit of distress was upon the King, and he requested for a man who could play well—a strategy of God to Saul so he could be relieved of the distressing spirit. With discernment comes strategy. The Lord will give direction on what you have to do. The direction was not to abandon King Saul but to bring relief in this time of need. Remember, The Lord will give direction to guide and help others. Saul had to repent to receive healing. Music was a tool to help him, but the only way for him to be healed completely was through repentance. This servant, who's name was not mentioned, had the opportunity to meet David. Maybe they had spent some time together while David was playing his harp.

There are seven notes in music, and the 8th note which is the octave is a new beginning on the scale. So there would likely be a new king in Israel who would call the people to repent and serve God.

The Lord gave Saul the same opportunity to repent by bringing David to the palace. Instead, Saul grew jealous of David trying to kill him. But with every battle or attack from Saul, God preserved and gave victory to David. He was a True worshiper and servant of God who persevered through obedience and time spent in the presence of God. He continued to honor the anointed of The Lord until he died. David, was faithful no matter the circumstance.

Worship brings revelation from the throne of God. Yeshua told the woman drawing water that the Father is looking for a True worshiper, and then He told her He is The Messiah. She had a moment of intimacy with Yeshua. He asked her for water, knowing that what she needed was living water. She was thirsty and confused because of man's rules and regulations. Yeshua told her that it's was not about the location. It's was about the Heart of Worship. We need to have it in our hearts that the will of God comes before anything and anyone. Faithfulness will open doors that no man can shut and will bring opportunities to accumulate treasures in heaven that can't be stolen or destroyed.

David had seven brothers, and God called him to come before Samuel, a total of 8 sons from Jesse. The Number 8 means a new beginning—a new king after Saul, a new beginning for Israel. But also for all of The Nations of the world because, David had a heart after God.

I pray that you will be a NEW BEGINNING, for you and all the people around you in YESHUA /JESUS MIGHTY NAME, bringing Salvation and Healing. May The Lord use you in a mighty way to set captives free for His Glory!